HAIR DIY: “Victory Rolls” A Pin-Up Hair Tutorial by Emily From The Freckled Fox

HAIR DIY: “Victory Rolls” A Pin-Up Hair Tutorial by Emily From The Freckled Fox *

Pearls and pin-up girls go hand-in-hand, so we were more than excited to share with you this hairstyle.

Emily, lifestyle blogger of The Freckled Fox, showcased an amazing hairstyle that was pin-up approved.

In her post, “Modern Pin-up Week: #2- Pin-up Victory Rolls”, she shared with us an awesome step-by-step tutorial full of pictures and detailed instructions on how to make the perfect “Victory Roll”. read more

PEARL BEAUTY: Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton Wears Pearl Pins in Her Twisted Chignon

Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is a lady of style. She has made many stylish statements and she did it once again when she added pearls to her chignon when she attended a tea party in 2012 for her 4th day of her Diamond Jubilee Tour.

The Duchess looked polished and prim as she sipped tea with her twisted chignon updo accompanied with several pearl pins.

The style created a frenzy and caused many hairnistas to want the same look. read more

HAIR DIY: “Rockability Roll” A Pin-Up Hair Tutorial by Abby Smith

Pearls and pin-up girls go hand-in-hand, so we love to see the pin-up style from head to toe.

Abby Smith writer for, shared with us an awesome step-by-step image tutorial on how to make the “Rockability Roll” nice and easy.

“I believe this is one of the prettiest pin-up looks. While it’s totally vintage, there’s a modern feel to it.  This hairstyle is very flattering as the height from the roll really brightens up your face,” says Abby author of The Ultimate Hairstyle Handbook, and founder of the website Twist Me Pretty. read more